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Dickson Reps

For Democracy to work the voters must be involved!

For a Representative Democracy to be a functioning democracy there needs to be an effective, efficient & timely way for the voters of each electorate to tell their Representative how they want them to vote on Bills before Parliament.

The Dickson Representatives have developed a process that provides multiple ways for Dickson voters to tell their elected Representative in Parliament how they want them to vote on Bills.

      Unnotified Voter  For voters who don't have the time to get directly involved  ... more >

      Notified Voter    For voters who occasionaly want to vote on Bills themselves  ... more >

      Self Representation    For voters who want to manage their own vote  ... more >

     Bill Representative   For Voters or Community Reps who want to represent Bills  ... more > 

   Community Representative   For Voters who want to represent other voters in the Community  ... more > 

  Candidate  For Community Reps who want to stand for elected office  ... more >  

   Federal Member   For Federal Members to be informed and/or instructed on how to vote on Bills  ... more >

Beasts & Gods

Roslyn Fuller's book Beasts & Gods is a MUST READ book to understand why there are NO DEMOCRACIES and only OLIGARCHIES! Click here for the first 20 pages or so for free.

In Defence of Democracy

Roslyn Fuller's book In Defence of Democracy another must read for anybody who truly loves democracy and wants to see it flourish. Click here for the first 20 pages or so for free.

VoteEasy Community Supporters

VoteEasy is an Australian business with a passion for helping candidates and voters to connect when it matters most. Click here ot view their Community Supporters page.